Mineral Industry Statistics, 2022

Note to readers

Beginning with reference year 2019, data collection is administered by Statistics Canada, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), through the Annual Mineral Production Survey (AMNP). Mineral industry statistics, such as revenue, salaries and wages, cost of materials and supplies used and cost of energy, are collected as part of this survey.

Statistics for 2019 and onward will be published by Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada. The most recently released data tables from Statistics Canada can be accessed via the following links:

  • Consumption of Energy (16-10-0029 & 16-10-0030),
  • Principal Statistics, including employment (16-10-0031 & 16-10-0032),
  • Contract Drilling (16-10-0024) – Coming Soon
  • Consumption of Sand and Gravel (16-10-0027) - Coming Soon
  • Consumption of Stone (16-10-0028) - Coming Soon

Tables with statistics for the reference years from 2022 to 2007 are available through the links below.

Select the survey year:

Subject of Study, Definitions and Methodology

To help you understand and use the data published by Natural Resources Canada, first get to know the subject of study, definitions of related concepts and methodology used for conducting the survey.

Historical Data

Versions prior to 2007 may be accessed on the Statistics Canada Website. Mining Statistics for years 1990 – present may be accessed on the Natural Resources Canada website.

26-201 General Review of the Mineral Industries
The review presents detailed and recent statistics of the mining industry, including the production and the value of minerals by kind and by province. It also presents historical tables of values by main groups, the average prices of leading minerals and principal statistics by main group and by province, and diamond drilling of deposits other than fuels. It includes explanatory notes and a bibliography.

26-223 Metal Ore Mining
This annual publication presents data on establishments, employment, payroll, materials, supplies and contract services. It also shows the production, shipments and drillings completed. It includes lists of establishments showing employment size ranges, terms and definitions and a bibliography.

26-226 Non-metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying
This publication presents data on establishments, employment, payroll, material and supplies used, fuel and electricity, as well as on production and shipments. Data are presented by province. It includes a list of establishments, definitions and a bibliography.
This publication covers NAICS 2123: Stone Mining and Quarrying; Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and Quarrying; Other Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying.

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