Mineral Exploration and Development

New data and visualizations

Mineral exploration and development statistics from Natural Resource Canada’s (NRCan) Survey of Mineral Exploration, Deposit Appraisal and Mine Complex Development Expenditures are now available for reference years 2023 and 2024. The data for 2023 are preliminary. The data for 2024 are intended expenditures from exploration, deposit appraisal and development projects in Canada.

This data can be accessed through NRCan’s data tables.

In addition to this new data, NRCan has released a pilot project to modernize how the data is presented and accessed by leveraging interactive visualisations (e.g., graphs, infographics and tables).

Visit the new data visualizations page.

Minerals are important to the Canadian economy and our everyday lives. They create jobs and supply materials for everyday goods, infrastructure, and renewable energy components. Mineral exploration and development are important stages of the mining process where companies make major investments to locate, assess, and develop mineral deposits into mines. Information on the state of mineral resource development is useful in monitoring the long-term viability of Canada’s mining industry, and can inform policy and investment decisions.

In collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is responsible for collecting, compiling, and publishing comprehensive statistical information on Canadian mineral exploration and development activities using the Survey of Mineral Exploration, Deposit Appraisal and Mine Complex Development Expenditures.

Data visualizations
Learn more about mineral exploration and development activities in Canada through the new interactive data visualization project of NRCan, which is aligned with the Government of Canada’s shift to open data and digital-first solutions. A result of close collaboration and consultation with industry and government stakeholders, this four-part web page features more accessible and versatile data, and allows users to gain deeper insights.

Consult the latest statistics and learn more about the survey:

Data visualizations

NEW — Explore interactive visualizations of exploration and development data.

Data tables

Access data tables on mineral exploration and development in Canada.

Survey definitions and methodology

Find out more about the survey methodology and key definitions.

Survey guides and questionnaires

Access the survey forms and related guides.

Find out more

Contact us

Minerals and Metals Statistics Division

Email: miningstats-statsminieres@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca